Integration remains a complicated topic in the industry and transparency is still lacking. With this feature you will have a tool to show your prospects and users, which 3rd party products they can swap an existing provider with or add to their ecosystem.

Your integration dashboard will show 3rd party products in three different states:

  • Needs external approval (awaiting confirmation from 3rd party)
  • Needs your approval (you need to accept or decline an integration request from 3rd party)
  • Confirmed (2-way confirmation)

Integrations that have been decline by one of the two parties will be erased.

Your transparency score will partly be influenced by the number integrations you have added. Also note, that your product's presence in the recommendation engine will increase if your product integrates with one of the hotelier's current systems.

What should you do if a 3rd party provider does not accept your request?

  • Send us a proof of your integration at
  • Send a request to your partner's email