Educational content

What makes a great Hotelhero guest contribution:

Successful guest contributions are comprehensive, data-driven, and interesting posts that teach our readers something new about the world of hospitality. While we tend to focus on content specific to hotel technology and best practices, that's not all we talk about. We're also interested in publishing any topic that hoteliers care about, which includes things like distribution, process optimisation, education, hiring, sustainability, and larger hospitality trends.


Editorial guidelines:

  • Topic and content outline must be discussed and approved by the Hotelhero team in advance.

  • Original concepts, compelling arguments, and high-quality writing. We will only publish original content and not republish anything that's been published elsewhere. 

  • Non-promotional content

  • We aim to be casual, yet helpful, and typically we stay away from buzzwords and jargon. But it's always important that you write with your own voice 

  • All links to external resources must be cited. If you include images, visual content or statistics sourced from a site other than your own, it must be linked to the original content

  • No more than one link to your company's website in the body of the post. 

  • The Hotelhero team reserves the right to make final edits, which may include removing promotional content, removing competing links, or rewording copy.


General guidelines:

  • Non-promotional content
  • No product or tool listicles – we rank tools based on user reviews
  • Include images, videos, or GIF’s. These must be included in the draft
  • Include a bio 200 word bio with a nice picture of the author  (square dimension at least 200x200)
  • Max. one homepage link and social media account link in the author bio
  • We expect all authors and their organizations to help promote their articles. Your plan for doing so will help determine whether or not we publish your article.

Submission process:

  • Reach out to our Hotelhero editorial team at with a defined topic and content brief
  • Submit draft in word format
  • We work on a 4-week content schedule for guest contribution: 2 weeks to produce a draft followed by 2 weeks to review and publish
  • You can also block your publishing dates in advance by reaching out to your account manager


Press releases

General guidelines:

  • Provide date & place
  • Submit draft in word format
  • Provide “About your brand” - 60 to 100 words description
  • Visual (non-mandatory) in 1200x627px format


How does the submission process work?

  • Send English version and publishing date to our Hotelhero editorial team at, 1 week in advance

